TRB 2023 Meeting Minutes
Annual Meeting Minutes
Statewide Travel Demand Forecasting AEP50(3)
Subcommittee of AEP50 and AEP10
Tuesday, 10:15 AM EST – 12:00 PM EST, 1/10/2023
Liberty Salon M (M4) Marriott Marquis
10:21 Welcome/Introductions
- Presiding: Rob Bostrom, CDM Smith and Elizabeth Sall, UrbanLabs LLC
- Subcommittee is 25 years old
- This is Rob’s last meeting as chair
- Introductions
- TRB Liaison: Anusha Jaysinghe, TRB
- New TRB director
- TRB reevaluating how subcommittees are defined
- Rob: subcommittees going to be required to have a product
- Will need to get a group together to determine next steps/product, possibly similar to SW Modeling Peer Exchange
- Preliminary TRB attendance numbers: over 10,000
- Committee Backup: Andrew Rohne, RSG
10:20 Approve Last Year’s Minutes – see website: TRB Statewide Modeling Subcommittee (
- Motion: Giaimo, Second: Bernardin, approved
10:25 Existing Committee Activities
- 2022 Activities
- website
- Elisabeth Sall maintains, s/o to Like Liu and Matt Stratton.
- Paper reviews
- David Ory is the committee paper review coordinator. The subcommittee does not have its own paper review process/coordination.
- Additional paper reviewers would be appreciated! Talk to David Ory.
- Wiki and Web site status – Andrew Rohne, RSG webmaster, Michelle Bina, Cambridge Systematics, wiki lead.
- Website updated, presentations will be uploaded to the website.
- Wiki?
- There is a lot of SW modeling content up there.
- TFResource subcommittee is changing names to tech transfer and adding an email newsletter.
- Research subcommittee – Greg Giaimo, WSP, Vince Bernardin, Caliper, Jeremy Raw, FHWA, Rob Schiffer, FuturePlan Consulting, Rob Bostrom
- Greg, Vince, Jeremy (who engaged Volpe Center assistance) and Rob Schiffer assisted with peer exchange and preparing and publishing findings.
- Volunteers wanted! John Gliebe and Steve Tuttle rose hands.
- website
- 2023 Annual Meeting related activities
- TRB liaison – Anusha Jaysinghe
- Planning and Forecasting events
- Linkages with other TRB committees – liaison confirm interest and/or report on committee activities.
- Travel Forecasting Resource AEP50(4)
- Parent committee meeting at 1:30 PM Tuesday
- TRB Innovations in Travel Analysis and Planning(AEP15) – Rob Schiffer
- Good meeting yesterday
- Two sessions yesterday morning; new committee (merger of planning applications and MPO committee and small/med community committee)
- Emphasis not as strong on the conference
- Barely mentioned.
- Conference in June- merger of planning apps and model innovations.
- Conference
- Early June in Indianapolis.
- Papers submitted, reviews currently in progress (Reviews due next week!)
- Frequency? TRB: no current plan (e.g. yearly, every-other) – will depending on outcome of conference in the summer.
- TRB is tightly overseeing conferences that are held “under their banner”- applications for conferences must be submitted a year+ in advance.
- TRB staff do have capacity issues – they are stretched thin.
- AEP15 discussion regarding the reasons for the split between modeling and applications
- Parent Committee – Transportation Demand Forecasting (AEP50) – Elizabeth Sall
- Just completed triennial strategic plan
- Available on website
- Hopefully approving this afternoon
- New website
- Will discuss TRB’s updated guidance to ensure committee is appropriately using committee and TRB staff resources.
- Just completed triennial strategic plan
- Co-Align with AEP10? Co-Align with AEP15? (10 is policy, 15 is applications… history with being aligned with Statewide Planning committee that no longer exists)
- Liaison Reports
- Urban Data (Vince):
- Several poster sessions and a podium panel session this afternoon
- Urban Big Data SC is tomorrow morning.
- TT and Reliability is happening now.
- Census is virtual, Jan 26
- SW and National Data (Maren):
- Potential good fit for this subcommittee to align to?
- AED10?
- Urban Data (Vince):
- Travel Forecasting Resource AEP50(4)
11:00 Research Focus Areas Status
- Virtual Peer Exchange for Statewide Models to Develop Research Topics – Greg Giaimo
- Columbus, Ohio
- In person and virtual
- 30 attendees in-person + 30 virtual
- 11:02 Refer to Greg’s Presentation
- Overview
- Background
- Peer Exchange Agenda
- Next Steps
- 11:15 Refer to Vince’s Presentation (Peer Exchange Survey Results)
- 48% response rate
- Staffing, Base year/updates, Software (that was requested by Greg Giaimo), Zonal/network detail, design (trip vs. hybrid vs. advanced; truck models), data sources (zonal, traffic, employment, commodity flow, se forecasts, big data [travel time, truck OD, pax OD]), validation statistics (plus comparison to 2010/NCHRP 836 T91), model uses.
- 11:24 Open Discussion of potential new research topics from Peer Exchange
- Giaimo: Image recognition research – national dataset of attributes
- Avner:
- There was nothing about network development or data sources e.g. state LRS, Open Streetmap, MPOs.
- Application guidance or appropriate uses.
- Special uses for modeling e.g. seasonality, tourist models.
- Schiffer:
- Tourist information is something we have a significant lack of. A deep dive into that would be valuable.
- Update to the QRFM – original had sample trip rates, update did not have that; there is still a need for truck trip rate data.
- Freedman:
- Weekend travel also (add on to seasonality)
- RSG currently working on NCRHP recreational travel to parks.
- Question from gentleman sitting next to Tom Rossi[AR1] : Bike and Ped Considerations?
- Outwater:
- Plug for simplified short distance part of national model.
- Bhamidipati, Chiranjivi (CDM Smith)[AR2] : AV Penetration and effects
- Gliebe: different types of freight vehicles and electric vehicles / state charging network
- Recognitions
- Jeremy Raw – for heroics in assembling funding for SW peer exchange.
- Rebekah Straub – for running the peer exchange… and making some damn good pie.
- Greg Giaimo – executing and preparing the peer exchange.
- Peer Exchange final report: Other Reports – Publications – Transportation Model Improvement Program (TMIP) – Planning – FHWA (
11:40 Upcoming Years Activities
- New chair for our subcommittee
- After 7-8 years, Rob is stepping down. Michelle Bina will be taking the reins.
- Upcoming conferences: Innovations in Travel Analysis and Planning Conference
- Paper Reviews – coordinate with parent committee.
11:42 Adjourn
Possible Follow-up Activities
- Synthesis report topics – meet soon to develop SWM related topic – volunteers: Rob Schiffer and Rob Bostrom
- New research subcommittee – meet to flesh out topics from Peer Exchange and explore new ones mentioned in today’s meeting. Members: Michelle Bina, Mike Chaney, John Gliebe, Steve Tuttle, need one more.
- Group to justify continued existence as subcommittee: Michelle Bina, Rob Bostrom, need another person.
- Look into possible connection with AEP15, similar to what we had with Statewide Multimodal Planning as a co-parent committee.